Hey friends! Just wanted to let you know that Liz Shepard finally has a blog, and would love for everyone to keep up with her family and life and be able to view it...so i am helping her a little! Her blog address is:
Check it out!!
Happy New Year all!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Curry Christmas 2008
We had a wonderfully, cold, snowy, calm Christmas this year, mixed with a little boredom and many, many cookies and then of course family. We enjoyed a small family Christmas with our family, Andi (Chris' sister), and Chris' dad and stepmom from San Diego, who were on one of the lucky flights that made it into PDX. We enjoyed capturing some of this crazy snowstorm and our white Christmas on camera, so I put together a little slideshow for you......
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Nutcracker

Annabelle and I had a date last night with Aunt Andi to George Balanchine's Nutcracker performance in downtown Portland at the Keller Auditorium. It was such a magical night for Annabelle and for me. Annabelle did a lot of waiting for the Nutcracker....counting down the days on the calendar, then going out to dinner beforehand, then waiting for them to open the doors, then waiting for the curtain to open...she had so much built up anticipation she let out a little scream when they started the show! Krisitina and Gabrielle Thom joined us, so Annabelle had a friend to enjoy it with. We couldn't take any pics inside the theatre, so we took one in the lobby in front of one of the ballerina costumes they had on display. I thoroughly enjoyed the performance...the dancing, and my daughters reactions to the performance. She said her favorite part was the dancing mice and when they shot cheese at the mice to get rid of them. Hopefully this is something we will continue to do together throughout the years.
Snow days

It has been a week of crazy weather here in the Great Northwest, breaking all sorts of records. We have had snow in years past, just not this much for such an extended time. But it has made all sorts of children happy as they have recieved a third week of Christmas vacation....and teachers not so happy as some will have to make up the snow days at the end of the year! In any case...me and my little pre-school ducklings have been trying to enjoy the snow.....here are a few fun pics.
Monday, December 15, 2008
'Twas Two Weeks Before Christmas....

Annabelle helping Chris hang the stockings over the fireplace with care.

Chris took Friday off and we spent the day getting our tree and decorating our house. It was a great day with the fam. Although poor Ella, was afraid of the trees at the Christmas tree lot, and then took a nap during most of the decorating....maybe she'll show up in some pictures later on this season:-)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
We are thankful for...
We have chosen our family focus this holiday season to be thankfulness amidst the materialism that has become Christmas. We are going to embrace all the holiday traditions, but as we do that, remember how God has blessed us throughout a difficult year. Here are some things that the Curry's are thankful for in 2008:
1. God's continued financial provision allowing me to stay home
2. Friendships gained/enriched at our church
3. Compass Mom's group
4. Our lifegroup lead out of our home
5. Big sister hand me downs for Ella
6. A mostly credit card free year!
7. Chris' homemade salsa
8. Thursday nights with Aunt Andi
9. Paint on our walls
10. Safety and provision as Chris' Mom, stepdad& grandma moved to North Africa
11. The dropping gas prices
12. Annabelle is most thankful for: "plants....daisies are pretty"
13. Ella is most thankful for: "blankie and paci"
1. God's continued financial provision allowing me to stay home
2. Friendships gained/enriched at our church
3. Compass Mom's group
4. Our lifegroup lead out of our home
5. Big sister hand me downs for Ella
6. A mostly credit card free year!
7. Chris' homemade salsa
8. Thursday nights with Aunt Andi
9. Paint on our walls
10. Safety and provision as Chris' Mom, stepdad& grandma moved to North Africa
11. The dropping gas prices
12. Annabelle is most thankful for: "plants....daisies are pretty"
13. Ella is most thankful for: "blankie and paci"

Silly family pic

Making Varenyky

Annabelle's favorite part....PIE

The meltdown, right as we all sat down to eat!

Mom and Ian checkin' Mr. Turkey
We are so very thankful for our family, and that we got to spend time with some of them for the Thanksgiving holiday in Santa Rosa, Ca. We drove down this year, and were very thankful for the low gas prices, and two little girls who travel well. We ate Turkey and such with family, then made and pigged out on Varenyky....a Mallie family holiday tradition (yummy homemade Russian raviolis, which we filled with cheese, potato and some with squash), we hot tubbed, had lots of pie, sang a little Karaoke (karaoke revolution), and just got fatter by the minute. Here are some pics of our time at mom's house.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hey That Looks Like Rachel
So a few days ago we are watching football and a preview for 30 Rock comes on (the one featuring Jennifer Aniston). Annabelle looks up at the TV and says, "Hey that looks like just like Rachel." So should I be proud or ashamed of the fact that my daughter recognizes an actress from Friends?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The things they do....
So Ella is a fun and lively two year old and I am often frustrated and laughing at her all at the same time. Here are a few of the things I have had to say to her over the last few weeks that I have to chuckle at....or else I may lose my mind.
"Ella, please don't bite your sister"
"Ella, please take the fork out of your hair"
"Ella, please don't put your spoon in-between your toes"
"Ella, please don't touch your poop"
"Ella, please don't lick your sister's hair"
"Ella, please don't slam the baby's head against the wall" (baby doll)
"Ella, please don't bite your sister"
"Ella, please take the fork out of your hair"
"Ella, please don't put your spoon in-between your toes"
"Ella, please don't touch your poop"
"Ella, please don't lick your sister's hair"
"Ella, please don't slam the baby's head against the wall" (baby doll)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Another Princess Halloween

Here are the two Curry princesses happily trick or treating our neighborhood. Ella was so taken aback by the whole trick-or-treating idea, she uncomfortably lingered at each door. Like maybe if she stood there long enough they might either give her more candy, or let her in. Now if only she would finish her meals at meal time, she could actually eat her hard earned candy.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Bizi Farms

So I found Bizi Farms/pumpkin patch here in Vancouver last year, and me and the girls went this year with my mom's group from my church. They do special group tours in the morning time. So we gathered up 15 toddlers and we got to have each area of the farm to ourselves as we rotated through it all. There is a Hay Maze for the kiddos, a petting zoo, a hay bale climbing tower, tractors to climb and play on, and a great pumpkin patch. They also have chickens roaming the farm, and some of the kids even witnessed a chicken laying an egg on the hay bale climbing tower.....no shy chickens at this farm!
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Theological Understanding of a 5 Year Old
I (Chris) actually decided I needed to share this one myself.
I was putting Annabelle to bed last night and was singing the first verse of Amazing Grace. After I finished she asked what it meant that, "I once was lost but now am found, blind but now I see." So I explained to her grace and how it is God loving us even though we do bad things, and the propitiatory elements of his sacrifice for us, and how God changes us through a process called santification. (OK maybe not all of that is true but it was theology for a 5 year old) So she says to me, "I love Jesus, he's like a big daddy." I chuckled and thought, "wow I must be a great Christian parent my nearly 5 year old daughter understands Abba, that God is her daddy that he loves her so much and does anything for her, even disciplines her when needed." As I thought this I told her that Jesus loves her too, even more than her daddy does and I love her as much as anything in the world. She then says, "I like Disneyland too, I think Ariel is the best." OK, so I am actually a horrible Christian parent because for some reason there is a connection in her mind between Jesus and Disney (this must be what the southern Baptists feared would happen). But we finished up thanking God for our favorite things because all good things come from him and for my sanity's sake I am going to assume that she just has an attention of a child and that Jesus is really her big daddy.
I was putting Annabelle to bed last night and was singing the first verse of Amazing Grace. After I finished she asked what it meant that, "I once was lost but now am found, blind but now I see." So I explained to her grace and how it is God loving us even though we do bad things, and the propitiatory elements of his sacrifice for us, and how God changes us through a process called santification. (OK maybe not all of that is true but it was theology for a 5 year old) So she says to me, "I love Jesus, he's like a big daddy." I chuckled and thought, "wow I must be a great Christian parent my nearly 5 year old daughter understands Abba, that God is her daddy that he loves her so much and does anything for her, even disciplines her when needed." As I thought this I told her that Jesus loves her too, even more than her daddy does and I love her as much as anything in the world. She then says, "I like Disneyland too, I think Ariel is the best." OK, so I am actually a horrible Christian parent because for some reason there is a connection in her mind between Jesus and Disney (this must be what the southern Baptists feared would happen). But we finished up thanking God for our favorite things because all good things come from him and for my sanity's sake I am going to assume that she just has an attention of a child and that Jesus is really her big daddy.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
All kinds of pumpkins
Monday, October 20, 2008

We finally painted a couple walls in our kitchen after two years of undecidedness/laziness. Once I picked the color (Chocolate Brown) I wanted, I'd been itching to get it done...so Friday afternoon, I decided to paint. I went, bought the paint and painted the kitchen walls all in one evening....with Chris' help of course. And I love the warmth and color in the room I spend most my time in!
Friday, October 17, 2008
For the Runners
Since so many of you gals are runners, I thought I would share something I found on itunes with you. You may already know about this, but if not....there are free podcast downloads for your ipod of upbeat, energetic "house" music. If you are interested, check the music out soon, because they may not exist anymore as of November, as they are losing their sponsorship. Just go to itunes.com and search for "podrunner". Happy running...whatever you listen to!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Celebrating the birth of Christopher Randall Curry!

Yes, Saturday, October 11th, my beloved turned 34! He had a day full of naps, time with his family, football, and his favorite food. Chris picked Barbequed Tri-Tip, Twice Baked Potatoes, a green salad and some homemade french bread for dinner. We all felt as stuffed as you do after a Thanksgiving meal....and then we ate cake and ice cream!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sugar and Spice....

....and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of! So I have learned that to be not so true, but I love my girls, however they are....sweet or sour. In any case, I came across this book the other day, that I know I have probably shared with some of you over the last few years, but since so many of my friends have little girls, I thought it would be blog-worthy to share this book with you. I found it after hearing the author (Robin Jones Gunn) speak at a Winter Youth Retreat. The book is called "Gentle Passages", a small book comprised of ways the author herself and other mom's of girls have ushered their daughters into womanhood intentionally with God's love and grace. It's a tear jerker....at least it is for me....but has some great ideas to get you thinking of how you will raise your little girl to be holy and righteous in a world that prey's on girls and women.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
An answer to prayer
I wanted to update you all on the prayer request I blogged about a couple months ago. I had asked for prayer for my sister's boyfriend, Jay, and his situation with the VA. In short...he was misdiagnosed by the medical staff while he was serving in the Navy, and has had complications ever since. It has been a rough road for him, and at first was denied any help from the VA, but recently he re-appealed them for help, and was granted VA benefits for life, plus retroactive payments for past medical bills. Needless to say, he and my sister are ecstatic. Thank you for praying. God is good!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Okay, for some reason Blogger wasn't letting me publish this video striaght to my blog...but just click on it, and you will be grateful for progression in worship music.
Okay, for some reason Blogger wasn't letting me publish this video striaght to my blog...but just click on it, and you will be grateful for progression in worship music.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A visit from the Nezbedas!

Our monkey

Annabelle has proved to be a strong determined little girl....but we have been pretty impressed with her these days as she has been hungry for learning new things, and conquers whatever she puts her mind to. Her accomplishments this summer have included: beginning to read, conquering the monkey bars (going one way, and turning while still hanging, and going back), climbing a pole, and riding her bike without training wheels. There have been multiple bumps and bruises along the way, but she is willing to sacrifice her body.....the mark of an athlete!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Love and Marriage

Jon and Meagan tied the knot Saturday, August 23rd, at an elegant and beautiful ceremony at the Portland Art Museum, with an amazing reception afterwards. We had a blast celebrating and seeing old friends. We know Jon waited so patiently for "that girl" and we all wondered if she ever existed, then we met Meagan and we knew, she was that girl! We're so happy for them both. They, with their parents created such a beautiful day!
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