Monday, November 17, 2008

Picture Day!

I took advantage of the beautiful Fall backdrop to take some pics of my girls today! Here are some of the good ones!


Unknown said...

Totally adorable!! I like the one of Ella throwing the leaves at the camera. It's very her... :D I should do this before the rain comes back to stay.

Dana said...

your girls are so beautiful like their mama- i love the idea- and it makes me miss the northwest like crazy. thanks so much =). though i don't miss the rain, i should preface that =). great idea Amber!!!

six of us said...

Amber! They are looking so big! And oh so beautiful. You are an amazing photographer, but it sure helps to have photogenic kids. :)

MillerFam5 said...

Wow! You were right, that wall is perfect! Hope your trip is going great!