Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A memorable Memorial Day

We had beautiful weather Monday for our Memorial Day, so the Curry's went on a family adventure and had a picnic and then hiked up Beacon Rock here in Vancouver. Ella's little legs only carried her for about half, but I enjoyed the workout of carrying her for part of the was about a mile one way. A great way to end a really great weekend with some great family time!

Japenese Gardens

We got to enjoy the beauty of the Portland Japanese Gardens for the first time on Saturday, and they were amazing! The girls even stopped to "sketch" some of the things they saw. Here are a few pics of the million we took!

My little protege

I have officially signed up to run my first half marathon in October. So the training has begun! Here I am stretching after a run, and my Ella loves to stick her little legs up on the stairs and stretch with me. But I think mostly she is trying to keep herself from falling over :-)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Summer goodness

It's beginning to feel a lot like summer :-)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


So my ella had a fever last night and as I gave her tylenol and put her to bed, we prayed together for Jesus to take her sickness away. So this morning we had this conversation:

ella: mommy, when is Jesus coming?
me: what do you mean ella?
ella: I thought he was going to come and make me feel better.
me: well, we can't see Jesus, but he is real and when we pray he listens. Do you feel better?
ella: no, I'm still sick.
me: well we can pray again...(prayer)
ella: okay, I feel better!