Friday, October 31, 2008

Bizi Farms

Ella's "fall apart moment"
Ridin' out to the Pumpkin Patch
Annabelle is pretty confident with her pumpkin choice

Ella's favorite part...the animals

So I found Bizi Farms/pumpkin patch here in Vancouver last year, and me and the girls went this year with my mom's group from my church. They do special group tours in the morning time. So we gathered up 15 toddlers and we got to have each area of the farm to ourselves as we rotated through it all. There is a Hay Maze for the kiddos, a petting zoo, a hay bale climbing tower, tractors to climb and play on, and a great pumpkin patch. They also have chickens roaming the farm, and some of the kids even witnessed a chicken laying an egg on the hay bale climbing shy chickens at this farm!


Dana said...

that looks so fun! how great you went with girlfriends from church too. and you look AMAZING!!

Chris and Amber said...

Thanks Candace! As do you, such a cute prego! One more month to go, right?!