....and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of! So I have learned that to be not so true, but I love my girls, however they are....sweet or sour. In any case, I came across this book the other day, that I know I have probably shared with some of you over the last few years, but since so many of my friends have little girls, I thought it would be blog-worthy to share this book with you. I found it after hearing the author (Robin Jones Gunn) speak at a Winter Youth Retreat. The book is called "Gentle Passages", a small book comprised of ways the author herself and other mom's of girls have ushered their daughters into womanhood intentionally with God's love and grace. It's a tear jerker....at least it is for me....but has some great ideas to get you thinking of how you will raise your little girl to be holy and righteous in a world that prey's on girls and women.
Amber, I remember borrowing this book from you--back in the good ole' days when you were my neighbor! :) It sure was a tear jerker, but in such a great way. I need to read it again, and, as a mom of 3 girls, may have to get my own copy! :) Thanks for reminding me!
I guess I will have to borrow that one from you too.Maybe I will actually read and finish it!
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