Well another Christmas has come and gone. Quick. Crazy. Fun. We had Andi, and my mom and younger brother, Ian from Santa Rosa, Ca. join us for Christmas this year, and it was nice and quaint. The girls got spoiled and we had great fun being with family for 5 straight days! Here were the highlights of our Christmas:
*Mom and Ian, arrived at our door from California on the eve of the 23rd
*Snog...aka: freezing fog, that looks like snow on the ground...a new word, coined by ella!
*Nutcracker on Christmas Eve at Keller with mom, Belle, Ella, and Andi
*Annabelle reading scripture at our church's christmas eve service
*A happy birthday Jesus cake with candles
*A plate of sugar cookies left for Santa, eaten by chris before Santa even came!
*Chris "enjoyed" an accidental cup of lactaid mixed with bourbon (meant to be eggnog)...we all enjoyed laughing at him as he tried to finish it so as to not waste the bourbon!
*Two new scooters for Annabelle and Ella from uncle Ian!
*matching christmas jammie pants for us ladies
*making sugar cookies
*Shopping the Macy's sales...
*Taking Ella to her first movie at the theaters..."Cloudy with a chance of meatballs". Her favorite part was definately the guy who had a huge macaroni noodle stuck on his head.
*All of us helping Ella put together her favorite christmas gift over and over....a puzzle with the different layers of the human body (bones, organs, skin, and clothes). She must have done it 100 times!
*Some really yummy meals made by my catering chef brother, Ian. My fave...Chicken marsala with cheesy polenta and brussel sprouts.
*A dinner out to outback Steakhouse on kids eat free Monday!
*Then some actual snow just a couple hours after my mom and brother drove away! A wonderful way to end a great week!
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another trip to the Nutcracker for us Curry girls, and this time we included my mom and Ella. It was great fun. I am glad my mom got to experience Ella's first time to see the Nutcracker. She also fielded the 300 questions Ella asked during the performance. Which my mom thoroughly enjoyed and the man in front of us clearly did not enjoy :) In any case, this year was extra special, because we also made it onto the 5 oclock news as we were entering into the Keller Auditorium. Well they pretty much only showed my mom and one quick shot of me. I was bummed they didn't put the girls on, because they interviewed them on the meaning of christmas, and their response were great! Annabelle said the meaning of christmas was "giving", and Ella said the meaning of christmas was "barbies!". Here's the link so you can view our little news segment if you so wish!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Giving Thanks
So another year has passed, and I continue to be thankful for this life I am in! We couldn't be more thankful for the little things this year, that actually mean a lot in this economy where so many people are not making it. We are grateful for jobs, a home, healthy children and the freedom to worship our great God at a wonderful church. Everyone in our families stayed put for Thanksgiving this year...including us Curry's. We had a wonderfully mellow Turkey Day with just us, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I went for a rainy walk in the morning with my friend Jenn, and then warmed up by the fire browsing the black friday ads, sipping coffee while Chris prepared the turkey, and of course football on in the background. The girls were even pretty mellow and really seemed to enjoy the family time together. After our tummies were stuffed with Turkey, carbs, and pie, we decided to get crafty as a family and draw/write what we each are most thankful for this year, which is now displayed on the wall in the stairwell! Happy Holidays friends! I am thankful for each one of you :-)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Halloween 09
Okay, yes I know we are well into November now, and you all have moved your attention to where & what you will be eating/making for your Thanksgiving meal, but I had a super crazy last couple of weeks as I had been planning a women's retreat for my church, and the retreat was last weekend. So now that my life is back to normal a little....I thought I'd post our Halloween pics. It was a bit of a hectic Halloween, as I told Annabelle I'd make her a fairy costume, and then wasn't able to find time to do so, so she ended up borrowing one of the Miller's costumes, and therefore became a mouse for Halloween. I was so very thankful that she gave me some grace on this one, and that she was happy to be a mouse. The girl was just happy to go out with her friends and come home with a bucket of candy! My poor little Ella was sick with fever on Halloween, so we stayed home and handed out candy, while Chris donned a beautiful 80's butt-rock inspired wig (once again, courtesy of the Miller's) and took our little mouse trick or treating around our neighborhood. Sickness may have thwarted our plans this year...but next year we will come back strong! :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
What do we do with this 3 year old?! She is making us crazy!! Honestly, I know this age is tough for everyone, but man, we are tired! I am pulling my hair out everyday, and yet, she is the one who continues to keep us laughing and smiling..... and I know many of you know what I am talking about. She has either inflicted pain on one of your children, or worn your shoes around our house, or gotten into your purse while you were visiting. I Love this girl :-)

I did it!
I, Amber Curry 3 days after my 33rd birthday, ran my first half marathon (13.1 miles) in 2 hours and 30 minutes along the Vancouver waterfront and around Fort Vancouver. I have been training for the Vancouver "girlfriends" half marathon since May. I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience. I am much grateful for my family's support and patience as I spent many hours each week out on runs. Training for this gave me the motivation to push and challenge myself physically, doing something I really enjoy...plus a great release of endorphins! Such a sense of accomplishment! Looking forward to next year :-)
Monday, October 12, 2009
My awesome old man

Mr. Curry turned 35 yesterday. He definately does not like that he is halfway through his thirties, but I love him more each year as he continually grows in his faith, and continues to be more loving and caring and wise. Age is great when you look at it that way! I love this man! Happy birthday to you Christopher Randall Curry!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Well, Annabelle has been in Kindergarten for 3 full weeks now, and I must say I am impressed with Walnut Grove school, and her teachers....and of course my Annabelle! The school has wonderful curriculum, and is very organized and on top of things. The first week into school, they tested Annabelle's reading level and discovered that she is reading at a 2nd grade level! We couldn't be more proud of our bookworm. She continues to wow her parents and her teachers. She gets to do some things in Kindergarten, but spends most of the time reading with the first grade classroom, as Walnut Grove focuses mostly on their reading programs. She is feeling quite special, which I am thankful for. I love how proactive these teachers are! They see the special abilities in my little girl, and it just confirms our decision to put her in this school was the right one! Looking forward to Parent Teacher Conferences to find out more! :-)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Annabelle has lost her first tooth at age 5.5. It is amazing how quickly this baby of mine continues to become a little girl. Man o man, am I ready for this? Tuesday afternoon, Annabelle came to me saying she wanted to get her tooth out, but it was hurting her, so I asked if I could give it one little twist and see what happens...after a few minutes of coaxing, she let me, and one little twist was all it took! Out came one tiny little baby tooth! I am finding these little events to feel bigger than they seem. And I think Annabelle has been a bit overwhelmed by it all as well. She has been over- emotional these last couple weeks, with her new status as Kindergartner, less time at home, and now her first tooth gone, it has been a rough and exciting couple weeks for all of us. I think it all came to a head last night. I went to bed at 9:30 (on good TV night) as I was purely exhausted! After an afternoon of many tantrums or breakdowns...whatever you want to call them...over little things with Annabelle, and then the usual keeping up with Ella's antics, and an emotional Kyle too (the little 4-yr. old boy I watch), I made an appointment at the gym, so that I could go work off some built up tension....I mean I was ready to explode. And like two hours prior to even leaving for the gym, Annabelle had started complaining about not wanting to go to the childwatch at the gym, because it is "boring and has baby toys". I told her, mommy needed it today, and she was gonna go anyway. So after many tears and much arguing, we pull up to the gym and I drag her inside, thinking all the while that once we get there everything will be fine. WRONG! Annabelle screamed and clung to me like I have NEVER seen her do, like an animal was chasing her! The ladies in the childwatch were being so supportive and trying to help, but to no avail. After about 10 minutes, I was drenched with sweat and in tears myself, so I gave up and we went home. Annabelle won this one. I felt defeated, but also felt compassion for my little exhausted girl, who ate some dinner and went to bed early after we had a little conversation. My mothers words were ringing in my head from when Annabelle was a baby...."Amber, you are going to have to be prepared to drop what you want to do and go home at any given moment." This was that kind of moment. I could not control Annabelle's emotions. And I never will be able to. A good lesson for me. We don't always get what we want, as I often tell my children! Thank the Lord for new days and starting over. Annabelle got in my bed with me this morning and the first words out of her mouth were, "I love you mom"....her apology to me. It melted my heart, and gave me what I needed to go forward with this new day! God is so good, and has given me these precious girls. I have a thankful heart today.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Our firstborn's big day....
I cannot believe we just put our baby on the bus this morning and sent her off to school to have an experience all her own in a place we've only visited once or twice. Annabelle came out of the womb with a thirst for learning, and has been a little sponge ever since. She has been so anxious to get to go to school that today's built-up anticipation was incredibly high! We are so proud of her as she has already learned how to read and write, and can't wait to see her thrive in school. Part of me is sad that I don't get to go with her, and part of me is so happy to let her have this experience that is hers alone! When we walked out to the bus stop, she of course screamed and squealed with delight as she met up with her best buds Emma and Katrina. Then when the bus finally came, Annabelle was off and running to get on with her friends, and would barely acknowledge her teary eyed mother, who just wanted a pic of her in front of the bus! (which I finally got!) This just exemplifies Annabelle's personality....one of exuberance and excitement for each stage of life. She loves to be around people and is very kind-hearted. Chris and I really look forward to living out this public school experience with Annabelle and being as involved as we can. When she got off the bus, I asked her what her favorite thing about her day was, and it was of course...riding the bus! Cheers to the new Kindergartner!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Back in the 1860's....
On Sunday we went on a family outing to a local event on the Fort Vancouver Reserve, where they recreated a baseball game from back in the 1860's, complete with their heavy wool uniforms, ladies walking around in their big frilly dresses with parasols, and a live band playing music. People just sat on the grass around the baseball diamond which was really rather large. The bases were really far apart. And the players played without gloves back then, so that was interesting! We took a picnic and had a great time!
Sewing project!
So, I almost forgot to blog about my sewing project I accomplished at the beginning of the summer....two little summer dresses for my girls. I re-learned earlier this year how to thread my ancient sewing machine, and to my amazement when I pulled it out to sew these dresses...I was able to thread it correctly, so about 3 hours later (with good friends and coffee), I was finished with my project, without even using a pattern. Patterns kinda stress me out, I'd rather do something where you measure your child, pin and sew. I'm pretty proud of myself for sewing something for my children... something I vowed I'd never do, especially growing up with a seamstress for a mother, who would continually tell me "I could make that for a lot less", every time I wanted her to buy me clothing! So I guess we do eventually become just like your mothers....which really, I am okay with:-) Next on list....drapes for living room!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
49ers all the way!
Okay...you may wonder why I am talking about a football team and I have a pic of my red entryway up? I painted the entryway red last week, and my husband commented last night that he knows now why I chose red, with our beige trim....49ers colors! I have been a 49ers fan since I was young (I grew up in Northern Cali). Chris has of course been a Rams fan since he was young (he grew up in Southern Cali), and we subsequently have rival football teams. I think I am one up on him now. He will be reminded of the 49ers each time he walks through the door.
Ha ha!

Ha ha!

First Fruits
Monday, August 3, 2009
My favorite place to hang...
Since we moved into this house, I dreamed of making our little sloped backyard a beautiful place to sit in and enjoy, play, eat and entertain. Two years later, we have finished, complete with garden, flowers, BBQ & BBQ workstation, patio table and compost pile....alot for our little space! I do plan on adding a clothesline for the summer months. It was alot more work than either of us thought it would be, and I am sure over the years we will add and change, but it sure is nice to know we can sit and enjoy the backyard without staring at the unfinished projects!

sisterly love

I woke up this morning to these two fighting in my room over whether or not daddy was at work yet...as they didn't see him in bed with me...then about an hour later, here they are lovin' on each other, huggin' and kissin' and watching cartoons. Now I just pray they will grow up to be the best of friends :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Artsy Fartsy
This is how I have always referred to artsy people....probably because I have not one artsy bone in my body....but last week I got to take Annabelle to Art Camp at Compass (kinda like our church's VBS), where they teach students K-6th grade art and art techniques according to their grade level. So this was Annabelle's official introduction to art, and she loved it. She is in a phase where she loves to be creating and coloring anything on paper anyway, so she had a blast! Here are a few of her pieces...the rest is still on display at the church.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Daddy Day
For Chris right now, it is all about the BBQ, so for his Father's day present, he built himself a little outdoor BBQ work station on Saturday, then on Sunday, he grilled up some pretty delicious steaks while enjoying his favorite beer. We then feasted on BBQ steak, corn on the cobb and a red roasted potato salad. He of course had a nap and watched some golf as well. All in all, the perfect day for Chris!
Ella's new wheels
Well...not exactly new, passed down from sister of course, but new to Ella! Annabelle graduated to a bigger bike, thus giving Ella her old toddler bike, and after putting the training wheels back on, Ella gets to join the bike world, and ride with all the big kids. She is pretty excited. Here are some pics of her first venture.
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