Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Artsy Fartsy

This is how I have always referred to artsy people....probably because I have not one artsy bone in my body....but last week I got to take Annabelle to Art Camp at Compass (kinda like our church's VBS), where they teach students K-6th grade art and art techniques according to their grade level. So this was Annabelle's official introduction to art, and she loved it. She is in a phase where she loves to be creating and coloring anything on paper anyway, so she had a blast! Here are a few of her pieces...the rest is still on display at the church.

A monster

ladybugs on leaves

Mermaids saying hi to each other

A starfish and some purple seaweed


Dana said...

LOVE the mermaids =)

Misty and Matt said...

That's so cool. I wish I were a little more creative- love the ideas!

MillerFam5 said...

Very cute. I am kinda bummed I didn't put Emma in despite the cost. She would have had a blast! Next year for sure.