The Curry's just took a little vacation/roadtrip to Santa Rosa California this last week to visit Amber's mom and siblings. We did a lot of relaxing in mom's beautiful backyard, barbequing, swimming, a day at the beach, a day at the coolest park ever, a day at Mt. Gilead (the camp Chris and I met at), a little bowling, some In-N-Out, and a day with grandpa Mallie (Amber's dad) in Coos Bay Or. on the way out of town. The girls did great on the drive down and back up. Here is a slideshow of our week...enjoy!
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
i can't believe we were in cali at the same time! your trip looked awesome and i loved your pictures (again =). the one with the 4 of you on the bleachers smiling is amazing.
love your new haircut, soo cute. okay, who's the photographer, great pics at the beach. love the one where all of you are laying on the sand, too much fun.
Thanks Tiff! The pics were taken by whichever family member was nearest to the camera! We have so many pics from the 600 something!
You're going to have to teach me how to put the slideshow thing on my the pics!
Oh wow! What a vacation. You all look so great! Isn't it wonderful when the kids get a little older and you can do fun stuff?? I'm loving the "new" stage. :)
amazing photos! and is that a new haircut i see??? you are so beautiful! and the milk post. sooo totally relate! both ollie and i are the same way. too funny.
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