Well if you know me, you know I love people. I love getting to know people, and cultivating relationships with those I know. I guess I have always felt like taking care of and loving people is what I do best. But God has brought it to my attention over the last couple of days that my motives aren't always pure.
We have been going through a book in our life group called "Jesus of Suburbia" by Mike Erre, and last night we focused on how we live in a society that caters to our every whim. It is a life where we have many options to choose from, from breakfast cereal to the person we would like to date. It caters to our need to satisfy our wants and desires. It is hard to not become "me focused". I have come to realize my intentions for getting to know people are often based on my desires, not God's.
And then this morning in my moms group we talked about hospitality, and how just an invitation given to someone to join me for a meal or coffee, or a chat, is of utmost importance. And by doing this I am cultivating the fruits of the spirit in me. Am I reaching out to others purely because I love my God and the people he created?
This I believe is what God called us to do; to love Him and to love others. But to do that I have got to love my self a little less. This message is so opposite from what this world teaches, which is to search inside yourself, and to love yourself.
Well I can say that I am thankful that this Christian walk is a process and that I have a savior who loves me exactly the way I am, and that without his love and grace I would be nothing.