So a dear friend of mine gave me a book for my birthday called "Stepping Heavenward" by Elizabeth Prentiss, published in 1869. The title alone kind of made me hesitant to crack it open, but with the praise she gave me about how this book changed her thinking, I knew I needed to read it. I loved every word of this book. It is a fictional book of journal entries, following a woman's life, and all her deepest feelings and fears in faith and motherhood. It astounded me how much I could relate to this woman who lived in the 1800's. She was so very real and honest about all her shortcomings, yet her faith in Christ continued to mature amidst the shortcomings....or in other words, sin. As a mother of little ones, I am plagued with sin and regret on a daily basis, and this book was such a great reminder of the fact that this Christian life is a journey and I have not arrived...I am not even close, and that's okay. Here is what resounded with me most when I finished the book:
"Every act of obedience is an act of worship." "Why do we waste our lives before we learn how to live?" "I am not sure that we do not learn as fast as we are willing to learn. God does not force instruction upon us, but when we say, as Luther did, 'more light, Lord, more light' the light comes."
i love when my friends post book recommendations- especially ones like these. i have heard of her- and will see if i can borrow it from my mom. thanks!
Sounds like I need to borrow it from you! :) Maybe I should return the last book I borrowed though. Oh yeah, I was also wondering if you had Jesus of Suburburbia? Did you read that at one point? If so I would love to borrow that too! I am finding I have more time to read these days and am loving it.
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