We always enjoy time with good friends, and we got to spend some time with Mark and Candace and Zane and Ivana (our beloved youth pastor and family from old Hinson church days, who now live in Arizona) for an evening while they were back visiting family for Christmas. We shared our visit with the Millers, Christiane and Megan.
Who knew that 3 old married couples could look so good? =) Thanks for making time for us- it was really great to catch up, but definitely not enough time! We need to meet up for a Disneyland trip sometime- Liz and fam, Summer and fam...It would be a blast! Love you guys.
my mom said we look like sisters- all 3 of us =). it's true- brunettes have way more fun!
Your family is beautiful- I love your blog! I am getting into it myself:) Look forward to seeing you at BJ's shower!
Yeah for the brunettes! Good thing that blond hairdo didn't work out huh Candace? :-)
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