I found this blog through a friend's recmmendation, and was deeply touched by this blog entry. It is a blog by a mother of six, who finds Christ in the mundane everyday life. This blog entry blessed me deeply, and I had to share it. The blog address is: holyexperience.blogspot.comI hold up my ring finger before his face? Will he notice, see?At first, he thinks its my nails. Nice.
I laugh. No, they're not. They are chipped and need filing. But do you see? He scans, trying. Wrapping my arm around him and leaning into the crook of his neck, I whisper, tickling his ear with words. Ring. His brow furrows, creases of concern spreading, and I know he has seen.
When did you lose that? I turn the ring towards the light for a better look into that dark hollow, the small cave of emptiness. A diamond gone, claws having let go of its gem. I think this afternoon sometime? The claws scratched me as I twisted and toyed. Hurting. Then I noticed. I look into his eyes, searching. I am sorry. Now its his turn, leaning into me. You can lose the diamonds, the ring...but not me. I smile into his hair, inhaling him, this love. Sipping hot chocolate across the table before his bedtime, young Joshua observes this hushed exchange.
He sets his mug down, and looks into the waving light of the candlewick. His thoughts seem warmed by the light, kindled. I watch him thinking. Then he asks words that spark me.
Because, really, Mom. Which do you want more? The ring or the Giver?
Which? Really? Too often I think I like the ring more: the gifts. This life, this family, this health, these days. I hoard these jewels. I cling, clenching claws, not letting go. I look into the flame and think too. Doesn't that break the Giver's heart?Father?
Today, show me how to want, love, the Giver more than the rings.