Well, my firstborn is 7. She once again talked her parents into letting her have yet again a slumber party! So Annabelle, Katrina, Emma, Starlena and Siera partied it up on Friday the 4th! It was a pretty jam packed 15 hours of fun. The girls started out making their individual pizzas for dinner, then then we opened gifts, had some strawberry shortcake, did a mad lib, made some bracelets, watched a movie and then bed. Bedtime was a bit of a challenge, but that comes with the whole slumber party package. Everyone started out in the sleeping bags in the loft together, then around midnight, everyone moved to a bed, and wala! That was enough to get them to sleep! I made some choc chip waffles, and eggs for breakfast, and then more bracelet making and yet another movie, before parents came at 10. It was so much fun, I think Annabelle just about burst! It is worth it all to see my little 7 yr. old have the time of her life!

The fab 5!

Some delicious pizza

Happy Birthday shortcake :)

Star got Annabelle a matching Tangles doll

concentrating hard on bracelet making!