For Chris right now, it is all about the BBQ, so for his Father's day present, he built himself a little outdoor BBQ work station on Saturday, then on Sunday, he grilled up some pretty delicious steaks while enjoying his favorite beer. We then feasted on BBQ steak, corn on the cobb and a red roasted potato salad. He of course had a nap and watched some golf as well. All in all, the perfect day for Chris!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Ella's new wheels
Well...not exactly new, passed down from sister of course, but new to Ella! Annabelle graduated to a bigger bike, thus giving Ella her old toddler bike, and after putting the training wheels back on, Ella gets to join the bike world, and ride with all the big kids. She is pretty excited. Here are some pics of her first venture.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Well, can you believe Chris and I have been married for 12 years?! These years are flying by, and it is fun to look back at how we have grown, separately and together. We got a bit of a treat this year.... for payment of Chris' website design services for a friend, he was paid with an overnight stay at the swanky "Hotel Deluxe" in downtown Portland, and a fantastic restaurant called "Andina" in the Pearl. So we did our 12th anniversary in style....not too shabby for the Curry's!

The Hotel theme was the 30's and 40's movie era's....these are the best jazz hands I could come up with!
Celebrating our 3 year old!
Mom and Dad, Auntie, Grandma, Grandpa and many friends came to celebrate our Ella on Saturday the 6th. We ate bbq'd hotdogs & had strawberry cake with vanilla frosting, and strawberries on top, oh and strawberry lemonade (can you seem the theme here?!). Ella didn't really want a theme, all she cared about was her cake, and that it had frosting for her to lick off. The highlight of the day was definately gift opening time, as Ella remained very stoic and quiet, while all the other curtain climbers gathered at her feet and ooohed and aaaahed at every gift and card. This was serious business to need for laughing or smiling. Then of course when her sweet little friend, Charlotte, had decided to come sit by Ella on her seat, Ella very quietly shoved her off....sending sweet Charlotte onto the floor and into tears, which then proceeded to make Ella feel bad, and she pretty quickly had a change of heart, and stopped the gift opening to make a spot for Charlotte right next to her, and the gift opening resumed, with happy girls and boys. Ella's gift highlight was definately her play baby stroller and crib, along with baby doll # 473....or so it feels! Babies are Ella's current passion, as she cares for the pretend ones gently, and pokes and prods the real ones harshly. I look forward to a year of growing up, potty training and having more one on one time with Ella as sister goes to Kindergarten. Here' s to year #3!
Ella is now 3! It was inevitable I suppose. She is truly a delight, and a terror every day. She relished in her birthday glory on her birthday....June 5th. We give the birthday girl the choice of each meal for the day, and Ella chose, oatmeal for breakfast, a nap for lunch, and 1.5 bowls of mac and cheese for dinner at Red Robin. Of course topped off with a free ice cream with whip cream and sprinkles accompanied by the Red Robin birthday song. Ella was a little frightened as she was serenaded, but the ice cream made it worth it all. Then we got to go to the airport and pick up grandma (Amber's mom) who had flown in for her party! A delightful day for the birthday girl...her choice of food, a long nap, and grandma!

Ella, using the tongue to concentrate hard on holding those three fingers up!
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