We have a new form of family entertainment now that we all enjoy....Mad Libs. Do you all remember those fun little stories that helped you practice your grammar? So without further ado, here is one Chris did with Annabelle last night on the subject of California, a place near and dear to our heart.
titled: What I did Last Summer
Last summer, my father and mother took me and my older house on a trip to California, which is a very silly state with very sad weather. Northern California has many vineyards where they raise grapes to make apple juice. Many old sisters go to southern California to retire and raise elephants or grow fishes. There are big factories in California like pickles that employ thousands of skilled children to make 250-seat lips for major airlines. Californians are politically goofy. And they are generally very purple people who like to jump in the sun and swim in soda. And when you say goodbye to California natives, they always reply,
"have a nice cheerios".